Thursday, November 25, 2010

Price Race

Anywhere you look, one can obviously tell that Yuletide season is fast approaching since department stores are competing against each other in terms of giving discounts. People are crowding the shopping centers in the hopes of availing special rates. They prefer to take advantage of the markdown of prices by buying gifts ahead even if Christmas day is still several days away. Thus, some store owners even opt for buy one, get one strategy just to entice consumers. Whatever your status symbol is, they make certain to have something in store for you. Stalls and boutiques catering stuffs such as food, apparels, and even 75th birthday ideas are keeping their pace within the race. I wonder how people manage to buy extras such as gifts and other gratuitous things despite financial crisis. They don't mind spending money like water as long as it makes every member of the family happy. Maybe we are just that clever in finding ways and means to make ends meet.

Hypothetical Problem

My friend called me up to ask a favor. Since he is taking up some post-graduate subjects, he needs to come up with a hypothetical problem about any medical-surgical condition. At first, I thought it was kind of hard because of the fact that is imaginary. When I went to a clinic later that day, I met a patient who was seated right across the opposite room. While waiting for my doctor, I can't help but notice his physical appearance and gestures. By simply looking at him, I thought he has a Bell's palsy because half side of his face is paralyzed. However, I'm a bit confused since both of his knees are swollen, which looks like arthritis. But when he finally spoke to one of his caretaker that is when I noticed he also has difficulty of conveying his thoughts. From then, I came up with an impression that it has something to do with neurological condition. Since I got curious, I politely asked his companion about his condition and he told me those are actually Lyme disease symptoms. Because I don't have much idea about it, I just listened without giving a single comment at all.

Rush Shopping Spree

Days are passing so swiftly that I didn't notice Christmas season is nearing. Anywhere you look, people are rushing in and out of the mall to shop. But not me, since I am more pressured with the upcoming surprise celebration for my mother, which will happen in two weeks time. Another thing that worries me a lot is my presents. Although she is not very particular when it comes to gift-giving; but still I want it to be special and utilitarian. Due to abundance of 50th Birthday Ideas, I can't decide anymore on what to give. The least that I can think of is an elegant piece of shawl with several embellishments on it. Since one of its uses is for fashion accessory, I decided to go for styles like fringes and beads. Of course, forget not her favorite color, which is blue. Though simple, I find it very useful on her part since she easily gets cold even with slightest rise in temperature. Hope she'll like it too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Unexpected Trip

I received a call from my aunt early in the morning. She wants us to take an early trip to the province for a very important matter. Although there is no problem when it comes to the trip in general, what I hate most is the pollution. Take note that the travel time is almost two hours, which is somewhat long for sitting position. Not all buses are air conditioned; thus, it is common see open windows throughout the travel.

To at least appease my qualms, I just let my eyes wander around the beautiful sceneries. While on the way to the countryside, I was amazed to see a quite number of industrial factories. Aside from it, I also saw around 2 to 3 girls and boys homes. It's so delightful to know that we are moving on towards progress, unlike before when the milieu was simply bare and virgin.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back to School

I did not get enough of my vacation. I just hope that it could be extended a bit so that I can relax and enjoy more. However, we can't deny the fact that is it really back to school once more. Streets are starting to clog up again. A lot of commuters are waiting for their turn to catch up a ride. The fact that road congestion is highly predictable; people make sure they wake up early just to get to their destinations on time. Still, one can't avoid getting caught in the middle of the traffic since there are no other available modes of transportation such as trains and buses. But what worries me most is the fact that one may get hurt as a result of stampede. Since all are rushing just to get a ride, we need to protect ourselves from simple injury to impairment. It is to our advantage to take into service an insurance company for our own interest. They provide agents who are proficient enough in taking Life Insurance Leads. I just want to be practical nowadays because I do not want to end up worn out both physically and financially.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Flooded by People

People crowded the entire burial ground. Aside from offering prayers for our loved ones, All Soul's Day is the time when family and relatives gather together for a small celebration. Most of the people present brought with them foods and beverages. It seems like a party was taking place since the place was filled with joy and laughter. However as the day was about to end, heavy rain suddenly poured. Everybody who was present really got drenched and because of this my husband and daughter caught fever. I didn't have enough sleep that night due to cough spells. And since we are staying on the same bed, getting disturbed as well is unavoidable; thus, I felt sleepy the whole day. By the time my husband has completely recovered, he immediately accompanied me to a nearby massage parlor to release stress. I felt relieved since Argan oil benefits are generally known to be effective in easing physical discomfort. Its soothing effect makes it a one of a kind experience.