Friday, October 29, 2010

Unexpected Call

I received a phone call from my sister-in-law just this afternoon informing me of a package. She sent it through her mother who just came from Singapore. I'm so thankful because I don't need to invest a fortune for skin maintenance. She gave me a set of Neutrogena beauty products and a nice piece of cotton dress. I just love it very much! I miss these stuffs because these were part of my daily regimen in Singapore. Unfortunately, I need to get it from his father somewhere in Lapu-Lapu City, which is several towns away from ours. He is working as a Mechanical Engineer in one of the industrial firms there. Unluckily, today was not my day because I had to wait for at least an hour before he can get out since he needs to finish repairing the spindle bearings of their machines. His Japanese boss has directed him to keep it operational first thing in the morning. So I was left with no choice but to wait or else I can't get my most awaited presents.

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