Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Mixture of Culture Shock and Fascination

Is this some kind of a culture shock or extreme admiration? After staying in a foreign land like Singapore for a couple of weeks, still I can't have enough of it. I couldn't believe I am here with my family for a grand holiday tour. With all the beautiful tourist's destinations, for sure you will come back for more. Every time I see amazing views, I continuously get astonished because no words can best describe them. Apart from the outstanding sceneries, I certainly admire the discipline they possess. The government on the other hand plays a vital role in moulding the kind of mentality the residents have. Because the priority is on the safety and well-being of its people; they make sure everything is properly regulated from fare to taxes and everything. They are so strict especially when it comes to health of the general public. Thus whenever they hear some sort of epidemic or emergence of strange medical conditions such as Herxheimer reaction; they make necessary actions to counteract contamination. I am just hoping other countries also follow strict observance and compliance as well for the people's welfare.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unplanned Family Outing

We were eating our breakfast when an out-of-the-blue family outing idea came up. The other day, we went outing in one of the community sports complex in our neighbourhood. This was actually a post-celebration of my birthday, which happens to fall on a Black Saturday of the Holy Week. Aside from basketball and badminton courts, it has several pools specifically designed for both children and adults. Rushing rivers, splashing waters, and pools with artificial waves just make the place amazingly exceptional. Although it was an ordinary merrymaking, yet I find it unforgettable since this took place in a foreign land with my beloved hubby and daughter. After the plunge, we toured the entire Chinese Garden and took some nice pictures of it. I can't believe my eyes since travelling abroad was just a simple dream that came true unexpectedly. I'm so blessed to have a brother who is so generous. The instantaneous birthday bash despite his hectic schedule means a lot; thus, I'm planning to give personalized thank you cards for him and his wife. I just hope this sign of appreciation can at least compensate their kind gestures.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Form of Culture Shock

I can't believe what I saw. When I first came here in Singapore, I was kind of shocked upon seeing quite a number of youngsters in complete uniform carrying with them high-powered guns. There were like roving endlessly around the train station as if looking for somebody. At first, I thought they were just like into a sort of on-the-job-training and that they were deployed to certain areas as part of their drill. But in actuality, these teens are referred to as police officers doing their respective duties. I can just imagine how your reaction would be, which is just like mine initially. All boys are obliged to serve their country for two years as soon as they graduate from high school. Thus, they are really moulded to become competent law enforcers with a good groundwork in a military school setting. This is the main reason why peace and safety of the country in general is well-maintained. I just wish other nations including ours would imitate such act for the well-being of its citizens.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For Sale Properties Selling like Hotcakes

Looks like a busy day today. I have lots of inquiries today in my mail and all of which pertain to lot for sale. Despite the crisis going on, real estate has remained booming. All sorts of businesses are mushrooming everywhere from resorts to condominiums to commercial establishments. In fact, I was browsing through the net when I happen to check out a site about Property Tangier and indeed the view is awesome. No wonder houses, lots and other kinds of assets are selling like hotcakes because they just simply satisfy the needs and requirements of the buyers. They must really have real clients for being so confident in venturing into this kind of trade. I just wonder how these capitalists choose a property before deciding to acquire such. They must have set a bunch of criteria when choosing because it seems that all properties suit the preference of every client. I'm just hoping that one day I can catch a big fish in a single transaction, so that I can call myself a fulfilled agent.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Erratic Weather Condition

Look at the world today. At present the climate is certainly unpredictable, which is caused by global warming. In fact, the Weather Station Bureau sometimes commit erroneous forecast due to sudden changes. Unlike before, weather updates are almost always accurate as per announcement making it very reliable. Consequently if you are set to have fun, make sure to always be prepared for erratic weather condition. Do not allow anything to ruin your day. Remember that you need to bring with you some sort of protection like hat or umbrella. However, if you are the kind of person who doesn't like the idea of always bringing extra stuffs, at least make sure to include scarf in your outfit. This has a dual action; shield your angelic face from heat and cover your crowning glory from unexpected drizzle. Therefore whether rain showers will fall or not today; never be too laid-back. You can't just miss an important event because of unforeseen rainfall.

Canvassing for Sale Items

I am now counting the days since our stay here in Singapore will only be until the end of this month. I started shopping for sale items as "pasalubong" for family as we fly back home. While doing store hopping, I noticed most of the goods are the same from one shop to another. Slip-ons, head scarf, and sexy lingeries are overflowing with stalls that serve as extensions at the outside of their boutiques. What an amazing view since a lot of people really flock together to avail of the special price. No wonder Balikbayan boxes are filled with more or less the same items because we usually take advantage of these promos. Aside from shopping, I want to visit the famous tourist's spots so that I can maximize our stay. I'm really planning to drop by to those destinations that I have never been before during my first visit. I don't want to miss them the second time around.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Job Hunting Routine

Part of my routine while in Singapore is job hunting. I always make it a point to buy a newspaper at 1 dollar every weekend. Although not really our main agenda for coming here, it's like trying our luck in one of the prestigious companies who are looking for qualified workers. Indeed there are many hiring, but most of them prioritize local residents for reasons I don't understand. Another thing I noticed while reading the paper is that there are various listings of insurance companies. Because of the day to day style of living wherein people are exposed to several health conditions due to enclosed spaces such as buses and trains, cross-contamination is not a remote possibility. Hence, the government as well as other private sectors ensure the health of the citizens by mandating protection at all times. This means good Annuity Insurance Leads with less effort on the part of the insurance companies because their safety is always of high importance.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here Comes Summer Vacation

Here comes summer time. I never expected this grand vacation escapade again; this time with my family. Originally, we plan to spend summer in our province because we find the environment very relaxing. Too far from the urban way of living where everybody seems to be so occupied with either work or school activities. At last, parents as well as children can now unwind together after almost a year of hectic schedule. What a blessing after having received a holiday offer in Singapore! It's like a gift for my daughter after having been awarded the 5th placer in the grade 4 level. The fact that this is not a well-planned trip, we weren't able to make enough preparations such as buying skin care stuffs like argan oil for hair and other toiletries. Every time I travel, I always bring with me those items since I can't just use anything due to hypersensitivity. Although I'm pretty sure there are stocks available in SG, but they just seem to be very expensive as compared in the Philippines.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Overcoming Life's Struggles

Life seems to be very full of struggles. With all reality shows and talent search emerging, I kind of reflect how difficult life is for people to ignore the never-ending line just to make it to the audition. Many don't mind the heat of the sun, the growing crowd, and the hunger experienced while falling in line. The worst part of it is that they don't even care whether they have the qualifications or not. In fact, most of them rely purely on luck in the hopes of winning the jackpot. At present, nothing is more important than to take advantage of the opportunity regardless of what it takes. Whatever career is available in the listings of Santa Clarita jobs, everyone is willing to grab any slot as long as it is open. Hence those who are currently employed, remember that you are fortunate over the rest of the people because you have found one. Therefore refrain from complaining; instead learn to love your job by giving your best in every task assigned.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today is the Right Time

If you want to make a difference, today is the right time. People are experiencing a great tribulation due to successive calamities in various parts of the world. Everybody expresses sympathy to the victims by extending a helping hand in the form of donations and volunteerism. Aside from disasters, political upheavals are here and everywhere; thus, a lot of overseas foreign workers are being moved out by respective consulates for safety reasons. The government on the other hand is making a move to help sustain their daily needs by extending financial assistance while in the country. Aside from monetary aid, they prepared local employments so that there are enough job ticket holders who can avail of the opportunity. The families who are solely relying on the monthly allotments are now very desperate because they are certain of the drastic change that will take place particularly when it comes to lifestyle. Due to unexpected turn out of events, many will experience food shortage and other forms of deprivation, which can lead to the subsequent downfall of the economy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

An Escapade to Remember

Since most of the family members hardly have quality time due to work constraint; thus, a family outing is simply the most wonderful escapade of all. When my brother and his family arrived from Singapore, we see to it that no single minute is wasted. Everything has been planned ahead to ensure a smooth sailing flow of activities. On the very day of arrival, we made a reservation for the entire family at The Port located at Waterfront Cebu. I just love their mouthwatering seafood served in different ways. The succeeding days were spent in the mall shopping at the same time pampering self with the Filipino delicacies. They just miss those stuffs after being away from the country for 2 straight years. Finally we had a grand holiday at Elsalvador, a beautiful resort that is far from the busy life. The ambiance is a general package especially at night where you can actually appreciate nature in the presence of cool breeze. Good thing I brought with me my ever treasured shawl for protection and fashion as well. Staying there even for a day is worth remembering because the amenities are superb from the pool, to videoke room, to restaurant. I swear I'll definitely go back there to explore more of their facilities. Although not that soon, but one of these days.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Times Like This

During difficult times, we need to work hand in hand in everything especially now that the world is going through multiple predicaments. Could these be Signs of Times? Places like Egypt, Bahrain, and Libya are experiencing political turmoil due to monopolized leadership. The super typhoon that hit New Zealand has caused massive destruction leaving thousands of people homeless. Not to mention the various diseases accompanying the deluge. A lot of these may lead to ailments we don't even expect or which is very impossible to happen under such condition. In addition to the fatal earthquake that knocked out several buildings, cracked public roads, and trapped quite few numbers of residents. Take note, this does not include the common circumstances we usually encounter like teenage pregnancy, drug addiction, and fraternities. What a series of heartbreaking news! All I could do is offer prayers to those affected ones. I hope that they can survive the traumatic ordeal and go on with their individual lives. I know it's not that easy; thus, I am very thankful for keeping my family and the entire country safe from harm. Now I couldn't ask for anything else, but safety and protection. I may not be perfect, but God always show me how good He is all the time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In God's Time

The long wait is over. After several decades, at last the most awaited moment has arrived. Good news for the Filipino veterans who have been longing to receive compensation. The government in America has finally handed over a decision that is to grant the request of many petitioners. Each is entitled to receive at least a few thousands of dollars as a form of reparation after having served the country for several years. They've been away from their families and were exposed to serious risk. In fact, many of them even died while defending the country against attackers who are planning destabilization. Now that they are already at the peak of their ages, they deserve to enjoy life's comfort. Medical ailments obviously make them frail; thus, oldies are prone to hospitalization. Because of economic status, they can't even afford to consult a physician regarding their conditions. The best way to give them utmost protection is to avail of a life policy or if not ask for Florida Car Insurance Quotes for their welfare. When a need arises, hospitalization and other expenses will involve little or no cost at all due to the existing coverage.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dealing with Nerve-racking Occurrences

Signs of the times are already here. There are so many occurrences at present that render us stressful. Apart from the economic condition of the country, those tragic happenings of the world have also caused increasing concerns. Everything is just a cycle because one circumstance affect the other; thus, leading to a domino effect. Because of these series of taxing events in our lives, one can't help but develop visible changes in our physical appearances. Wrinkles start to become noticeable making us look older than our actual age. In addition to that many people tend to become less receptive to others in all aspects of their lives. Good thing there are supplements available in the local stores such as GenF20 to help us stay alive and kicking all throughout the day. However if you find it inconvenient on your part, buy GenF20 Plus Online so that there is no need to go out and fall in line.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ingenuity Beyond Question

God certainly has plan for all of us because by the time people are born, each and every one of us is bestowed with special skills and talents. It is for us to discover and enhance them through constant practice. Because of these exceptional abilities, new things are created with the help of our ingenuity. Artistic ideas just come up with ease; thus, providing us with countless concepts. For this reason, consumers get more choices because of infinite selections from fancy to romantic stuffs. Just like when it comes to giveaways for occasion such as birthdays. For sure you'll be confused in arriving at a decision due to myriad of samples. But definitely you'll find unique birthday gifts for her and for him that will certainly make them feel special. You may either pick from imported items on sale or you may opt for proudly made local products. Forget not to consider the recipient's likes, so that presents will become serviceable rather than regarded merely as display merchandise. What is important is the fact you exert effort in making them the happiest person on their natal day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take Part in Saving Mother Earth

Compare the world today and yesterday. There's a big difference when it comes to environmental status. Unlike before, most of the mountains are now bald due to illegal logging and housing projects. Soils become eroded due to intentional scraping. Because of vested personal interests, our mother nature is going through massive deterioration. The consequence of which are deluge and landslide that both are disastrous to mankind. Good thing several non-profit organizations are taking the lead in restoring the beauty of nature. Everybody is encouraged to participate in various reforestation projects through tree planting. Some volunteers conduct seminars for public awareness in keeping the environment clean and green. Such move is highly infectious because ordinary citizens and private institutions are now taking part to save the collapsing earth. Gradual modifications are observed like using only natural products such as hair argan oil, tea tree conditioner, and the likes. Although such action is simple, this is the basic step towards a great change.

Getting Ready for Summer

Children and the young at hearts are excited because summertime is almost here. Goodbye to homework and school projects! At last, we get a chance to unwind and relax without having to worry about weekdays. There are actually so many things that you can do, but in my case I prefer to spend a week in a resort. I love the cool breeze as it touches my skin and the sound of the wind as it whispers my ear. Imagine yourself taking a deep plunge into the cold water while donning a complete swimming gear. You may also want to picture out yourself taking shots of awesome views of nature. Cool isn't it?  Thus in preparation for the escapade, I already shopped various beach stuffs such as reflective beach umbrella, Coleman cooler, sleeping mat, and the likes. I don't mind if the resort doesn't have the best beds because sleeping in a tent is rather more exciting. In fact, I can't wait for the big day! My travel bag is almost ready as well since I had it filled with outfit, swimming gears, sun block, argan oil for hair, and most of all my favorite chips and finger foods. I had so much fun shopping that I finished just few minutes before closing time.

Effect of Persuasion

I can't help but sing along with the new jingle on TV. The commercial is so appealing; thus, it readily catches people's attention. It contains argan moroccan oil, which claims to be very good on the skin. Whether it's true or not, that has yet to be tried first in order to be proven. When it comes to skin care, I don't settle for anything less than what I deserve. Yes I admit being vain since this is my only source of pleasure. I don't drink, smoke, or do regular shopping. All I want it so stay young and fresh despite my age. Every time a new product is launched, I make sure to review its contents. Since not all can provide you with your desired result, better yet you go over the label for safety reasons. Look for non-irritating ingredients if you do not want to end up with rashes. Conditioning one's skin through moisturizer is also very important especially as you grow older. Since various elements can cause dryness and eventually wrinkle formation, see to it that your beauty regimen gives you that much protection.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Being Beautiful is More Than Just Superficial

Everybody wants to look attractive; however, beauty is more than just the superficial. It includes grace and poise, which are often more noteworthy than corporal attraction. This is what I often hear especially from oldies when it comes to preference on appearance. However, isn't it more desirable to have both physical and inner attractiveness? The appeal one possesses becomes irresistible if you have that angelic looks. Hence, why deprive oneself of the chance to look good, if you capable of making it velvety smooth. Nevertheless, having flawless skin is not that simple. You need to exert a little effort by caring for it painstakingly. This is often likened to general cleaning offered by service providers such as los angeles commercial cleaning. All corners must be thoroughly cleaned to get desirable results. Skin care routine on the other hand must be followed religiously to have a more visible result. It must be complete though, which means from facial foam to moisturizer. Since excessive washing may rip off natural oil, this can contribute to dryness that can lead to wrinkle formation. Thus, it is a must to put on a liberal amount of moisturizer to prevent onset of premature aging. While there is no single brand recommended, the secret here is choosing a good quality product at the same time making this a regular habit.

Consequence of Staying Late at Night

Having enough rest is good for our health. But lately, I haven't been able to sleep well due to stress. I often wake up in the middle of the night just for nothing. It's like my brain has been set to follow its own sleeping cycle. Not to mention my sagging mattress; thus, I canvassed bunk beds furniture for a change. I'm quite worried since my mind is so preoccupied with things I don't even like to think about. Thus, I usually end up with large black circles around my eyes like a bruise. No matter how much eye concealer I put on, still people can't help but notice them. Apart from it, zits start to come out especially on my face and neck. Since I am vain enough when it comes to my face, I don't take chances whenever breakouts appear. Although not that I will be calling my dermatologist the soonest, but I try to stop it from flaring up at a greater extent. Thus, I am constantly on the process of discovering a good skin care routine that will actually suit my skin type. I have tried various brands, yet for me it doesn't matter as long as it's compatible with my skin and the cost is worth the product.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Realities of a Fast-paced Environment

Nothing can make me back out from life's hassles. I'm used to living in a fast-pace environment where everybody is in a hurry to catch up a ride. Because of busy schedules, household chores are often put on hold just to be on time for work. Thus, it is not unusual to see piles of dishes on sink waiting to be finished at the end of the day. Not to mention the overflowing laundry basket and the unfolded clothing waiting to be ironed. It is so distressing to know that after a hard day's work; a lot of things still need to be done before you can actually get to relax on your bed. Why do you have to endure all these things when in fact you are trying your best to experience the comforts in life? Instead of suffering, give yourself a favor by availing a maid service Lake Placid, NY. This will not only make things easier, you can even make use of your spare time by spending it with your family.

Extending Help in Times of Crisis

I just can't help but worry about everything that's been happening around us. Due to erratic weather condition, fast-spreading diseases are slowly emerging in all parts of the country. When this becomes rampant, the number of casualties becomes irrepressible. The sad part of it is when innocent children become the victim of such melancholic occurrence. When this happens, the usual counteractive action of the government is to declare state of calamity on areas that are seriously affected. As a common response, financial and medical support will certainly overflow either from other countries or from the political authorities. Members of United Nations are active enough to extend aid through New York Air Charter or from commercial couriers. But if you come to think of it, is this enough to combat the debilitating effects of calamities? Looking back at previous happenings, various ailments surfaced and some of which have names that are unfamiliar. This simply suggests that the consequence of disaster is more devastating than the actual calamity itself. Therefore to efficaciously handle such, it is always proper to start from ourselves. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is the most basic thing that you can do to the environment. Think every contribution you make as a social feat, not an obligation. Through this simple gesture, spontaneity of determination is always conceivable.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nothing Beats Having a Healthy Body

It pays a lot to be healthy. Persistently I've been doing regular workouts through dance exercise; although, not that rigorous as compared to that in the US military Schools. Together with our neighbors, we make sure we are all gathered within the village before the clock strikes eight in the evening. Despite its distance from our house, we make it a point to travel few kilometers just to be on the dance floor on time. The fact that a lot of people are simultaneously performing, this makes every step easy and most of all enjoyable. The moment I start swaying my body, I just can't help but give my all. This is my own way of shedding off excess calories in my body. Instead of the usual aerobics, I find it more motivating when combined with music of faster tempo. The faster the speed gets, the more fats burned. I just can't promise as to how fast will I lose weight, but one thing is for sure; this will now be part of my weekly regimen. Being physically active will definitely help me stay young and fit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hair Indulgence is Not That Bad at All

I've been away from home for a couple of months; thus, in preparation for my comeback I took the chance of giving my hair a grand make over. Since my hair is naturally wavy, I had it rebonded using a Japanese chemical for a softer appearance. Unlike the ordinary chemicals, its strand is not stiff like synthetics. In fact, the feeling is very light as if your hair doesn't exist. I can toss and sway it anytime I want without ending up with tangles. To enhance and prolong its effect, the attendant offered me a hair spray for a fee, which has argan hair oil content. She even tried it on my hair to feel the difference. Indeed, the smooth texture became more velvety to touch. However, the obvious downside when you have hair treatment is that you need to spend few more bucks in order to maintain its sleekness. This can be costly especially if you have a tight budget; therefore, weigh things carefully before deciding.

New Hopes from the Coming Generation

Despite all the bad news that's been happening in the world; good thing technology has continuously helped us withstand difficulties in life. As you can see on the television, new generation scientists who are mostly students have devised things that can give convenience to one's life. Robots of all kinds and shapes are made available to the public to provide assistance in our daily living. So amazing to know that, because of simple science fair projects during our elementary years, finally we have come up with something intricate and useful stuffs.

I can still clearly remember the materials used in making a periscope. So simple, yet you can actually see its significance. Another unforgettable moment with Science was when I accidentally broke a glass funnel and a test tube during one of our experiments. It was very embarrassing, but I like it a lot because I learn new things that are simply incredible. I just hope that education sector will get enough budget allocation from the government so that the skills of our soon-to-be scientists will be enhanced further.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Significance of Science in the Country's Economy

Even with the new president, economy is still striving. If you try to compare the way of living today with the past few years, you can obviously tell that the condition has worsened. The public in general has experienced starvation due to increasing number of unemployed residents. Not to mention the effects of erratic climate brought about by global warming. Damage to agricultural lands as well as properties has caused agony to majority of the people. Thus, the government is continuously trying out means and ways to combat poverty. Experimental researches on rice and other grains are given importance and allocation to improve production and quality as well. By doing so, we don't have to import such food staple from neighboring countries just to have enough stocks for everybody.

This is why science fair projects must always be incorporated in our children's studies, so that as early as now they can already gain sufficient knowledge essential for future use. The rationale' behind such experiments might be of help in arriving at a good scientific study.

Changes with the Passage of Time

Time passes by so swiftly that sometimes we don't even notice it come and go. Technology as well has come that far because it has made tremendous change in the lives of many. In fact, a lot of differences are observable at present as compared to decades ago. Particularly in school, students are really hands on when it comes to activities, be it science fair projects or mathematical experiments. One can clearly see the improvement when it comes to teaching strategies. Modes of teaching are continuously modified for the benefit of the students. Thus, using sensory stimuli in conjunction with the traditional delivery of subject matter are incorporated. It has been observed that acquisition of knowledge is faster in the presence of visual inputs.

As a parent, I enjoy seeing my daughter learn new things every day. Thus, I always make it a point to extend my support by accompanying her every time she has to buy materials for their workshop. I give suggestions with regards to color combination when needed. Though at times it is unavoidable to encounter difficulties especially on the process of making, I avoid helping her out as much as possible. Of course, I give instructions to at least guide her. This is for her to learn on her own instead of depending on others.

Challenging Role of a Weeding Planner

I was checking out my expenses if it's still within my budget. Since I was busy lately preparing for my cousin's church union, I intentionally set aside my online job. Thus, I'm quite worried on how to sustain next month's daily needs. Because I am tasked to look for a distinctive wedding favor; thus, I end up wandering from one shop to another in order to arrive at a good choice. Since I'm not very familiar with this, initially I find it tiring. I can't imagine how challenging the work of a wedding planner is. Lots of walking and canvassing are required to realize a dream wedding. Not to mention the extreme heat of the sun as well as the sudden outpour of rain. Good thing I bumped into one of my friends in college who happens to be in the craft business for quite some time. Thus, she accompanied me to one of her stalls in the mall. Indeed there are ample of choices, which are not limited to wedding gifts alone. You'll be amazed with their wide selection that ranges from unique anniversary gifts to adorable christening keepsake. Tough it is my aspiration to become a full pledge wedding coordinator, all I can say is that I need more experiences and vast contacts to be able to carry out such great responsibility.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Year Ender Preparation

As the year ends, everybody is getting ready as we welcome another brand new year while leaving behind those that are unwanted. Thus, we usually give away used apparels to those least fortunate brothers we have in preparation for more blessings to come. This has been a practice of our family ever since I was a child. We really exert effort in extending help to the needy ones. However, we made a little twist this year by not doing it the usual way. Instead we came up with something where in a lot of people will benefit and not just those in our province. Some of the things we did last holiday season for charity purposes are distributing bundles of joy. We also had a rummage sale which I learned after I chance upon a video on the net showcasing Silent Auction Ideas. Lastly, we also had a Christmas party with the children and gave away foods, clothing, and toys. It was such a great experience. Touching other people’s lives is something worth cherishing since we are instrumental in making them happy even for a while.