Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Life's Realities and Consequences

As Christmas day is about to come, people start going home to their respective provinces. Bus stations are crowded and a lot of police officers are roving within the vicinity to ensure peace and order. Although holidaymakers are abundant, still I don't find it difficult to get a ride since they have a systematic way of serving commuters. Since the road is quite busy, I kept myself occupied by watching the beautiful sceneries. While on our way, I noticed a lot of homes for sale signage hanging on the fence. I wonder why a lot of homeowners are selling their properties. Is it as a result of financial crisis or it's just because they wanted to transfer to another favorable place? I hope it's not because they don't trust the government anymore that's why they have decided to migrate to other countries for better opportunities. I wish that despite everything that's been happening to our country, still we can find a solution for the betterment of its people.

Planning a Perfect Wedding

Planning a wedding is just a simple thing to do as long as you have a list of contacts who will take charge of everything. Organize your ideas and be systematic with your strategies. Have a checklist where you can just sneak a look in case anything has been overlooked. When everything has been laid down properly, you may put a check mark on things that are accomplished. Make certain that each single detail is being addressed properly by dealing only with qualified service provider. For the wedding cake, contact a designer who can customize according to your budget. With regards to the floral arrangement, never rely on a novice since you can't immediately replace an imperfection on the actual day with just a click of your finger. During the reception, do not forget to book a good quality audio video equipment to ensure that exciting moments are well captured and preserved. Remember, everything should be perfect as you do not want to disappoint your client.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blessing from Above

I pity my sister for not being blessed with a child after several years of being married. I know how excited they are to have one as I can see it every time they treat my daughter out in the mall. Whenever it's payday, they always make it a point to buy something nice for her. Whether food or apparel, going out with my baby simply makes them smile. Nonetheless, this is something that requires conscientious prayer. Since not all are fortunate; thus, a lot of couples resort to various means whether natural or artificial just to conceive. The most widely used form of reproductive technology is the In Vitro Fertilization or most commonly known as IVF. However, not all have the capacity to do so since the ivf cost is relatively high. Despite its prior success, not all attempts are effective. Some factors such as patient's age and quality of embryo need to be taken into consideration. Then again, everything depends on the will of God. He is the only one who can tell when and when not to grant a particular wish.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Public Concern

Watching busy people rushing in and out of the shopping mall is quite awesome to look at. Despite the financial crisis, still you can see spree without limits. I wonder where they get money to sustain their daily needs. Maybe people are just resourceful by nature; thus, they worry no more about the future. With certainty, they believe that one can always find ways and means to survive. However, one can't discount the fact that there are people who are just lazy enough to rely solely on alms and various government aids. Hence you can see several mendicants living on money given by strangers. Indeed this is a pitiful scenario. While another common setting is the mere sight of a troubled youth involved in countless undesirable acts such as robbery, burglary, and the likes. Too depressing for parents not to raise children the proper way. If only they had all the time and resources, maybe they are privileged enough to experience the bounties of life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Consequences of a Chaotic World

With all that's been happening to the world, global crisis has caused tremendous impact in the lives of many people. Chaos and violence are everywhere, which have a negative bearing on one's personality especially on teenagers. The worst part of it is that at risk teenagers are exposed to such happenings almost every day. Due to immaturity, they tend to become vulnerable to almost all kinds of sweet-talks or coax. Thus, parents must always spare a little time for their children for them to have guidance. The presence of an intact family is an effective tool in staying away from crimes and other forms of social deviations. Regular communication between parents and children can dramatically decrease incidence of misdemeanor. Having somebody to confide to and ask for advice can influence the way we interact with people. As long as we can maintain a healthy relationship with our child, we can be assured of a productive future.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Price Race

Anywhere you look, one can obviously tell that Yuletide season is fast approaching since department stores are competing against each other in terms of giving discounts. People are crowding the shopping centers in the hopes of availing special rates. They prefer to take advantage of the markdown of prices by buying gifts ahead even if Christmas day is still several days away. Thus, some store owners even opt for buy one, get one strategy just to entice consumers. Whatever your status symbol is, they make certain to have something in store for you. Stalls and boutiques catering stuffs such as food, apparels, and even 75th birthday ideas are keeping their pace within the race. I wonder how people manage to buy extras such as gifts and other gratuitous things despite financial crisis. They don't mind spending money like water as long as it makes every member of the family happy. Maybe we are just that clever in finding ways and means to make ends meet.

Hypothetical Problem

My friend called me up to ask a favor. Since he is taking up some post-graduate subjects, he needs to come up with a hypothetical problem about any medical-surgical condition. At first, I thought it was kind of hard because of the fact that is imaginary. When I went to a clinic later that day, I met a patient who was seated right across the opposite room. While waiting for my doctor, I can't help but notice his physical appearance and gestures. By simply looking at him, I thought he has a Bell's palsy because half side of his face is paralyzed. However, I'm a bit confused since both of his knees are swollen, which looks like arthritis. But when he finally spoke to one of his caretaker that is when I noticed he also has difficulty of conveying his thoughts. From then, I came up with an impression that it has something to do with neurological condition. Since I got curious, I politely asked his companion about his condition and he told me those are actually Lyme disease symptoms. Because I don't have much idea about it, I just listened without giving a single comment at all.

Rush Shopping Spree

Days are passing so swiftly that I didn't notice Christmas season is nearing. Anywhere you look, people are rushing in and out of the mall to shop. But not me, since I am more pressured with the upcoming surprise celebration for my mother, which will happen in two weeks time. Another thing that worries me a lot is my presents. Although she is not very particular when it comes to gift-giving; but still I want it to be special and utilitarian. Due to abundance of 50th Birthday Ideas, I can't decide anymore on what to give. The least that I can think of is an elegant piece of shawl with several embellishments on it. Since one of its uses is for fashion accessory, I decided to go for styles like fringes and beads. Of course, forget not her favorite color, which is blue. Though simple, I find it very useful on her part since she easily gets cold even with slightest rise in temperature. Hope she'll like it too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Unexpected Trip

I received a call from my aunt early in the morning. She wants us to take an early trip to the province for a very important matter. Although there is no problem when it comes to the trip in general, what I hate most is the pollution. Take note that the travel time is almost two hours, which is somewhat long for sitting position. Not all buses are air conditioned; thus, it is common see open windows throughout the travel.

To at least appease my qualms, I just let my eyes wander around the beautiful sceneries. While on the way to the countryside, I was amazed to see a quite number of industrial factories. Aside from it, I also saw around 2 to 3 girls and boys homes. It's so delightful to know that we are moving on towards progress, unlike before when the milieu was simply bare and virgin.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back to School

I did not get enough of my vacation. I just hope that it could be extended a bit so that I can relax and enjoy more. However, we can't deny the fact that is it really back to school once more. Streets are starting to clog up again. A lot of commuters are waiting for their turn to catch up a ride. The fact that road congestion is highly predictable; people make sure they wake up early just to get to their destinations on time. Still, one can't avoid getting caught in the middle of the traffic since there are no other available modes of transportation such as trains and buses. But what worries me most is the fact that one may get hurt as a result of stampede. Since all are rushing just to get a ride, we need to protect ourselves from simple injury to impairment. It is to our advantage to take into service an insurance company for our own interest. They provide agents who are proficient enough in taking Life Insurance Leads. I just want to be practical nowadays because I do not want to end up worn out both physically and financially.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Flooded by People

People crowded the entire burial ground. Aside from offering prayers for our loved ones, All Soul's Day is the time when family and relatives gather together for a small celebration. Most of the people present brought with them foods and beverages. It seems like a party was taking place since the place was filled with joy and laughter. However as the day was about to end, heavy rain suddenly poured. Everybody who was present really got drenched and because of this my husband and daughter caught fever. I didn't have enough sleep that night due to cough spells. And since we are staying on the same bed, getting disturbed as well is unavoidable; thus, I felt sleepy the whole day. By the time my husband has completely recovered, he immediately accompanied me to a nearby massage parlor to release stress. I felt relieved since Argan oil benefits are generally known to be effective in easing physical discomfort. Its soothing effect makes it a one of a kind experience.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Means of Fighting Sleeplessness

There are times when I can't sleep easily at night. I just do not know exactly the reason why. Thus, I usually turn the TV on to watch my favorite show and just put it on automatic shutdown to allow my eyes to get tired and fall asleep. The show I always look forward to is the "Urban Zone". I can't help but admire the beautiful architectural designs behind the featured houses. They are intricately created through the help of interior decorators. Every episode introduces fresh ideas, which are beneficial for the avid fans of the show. In fact there is a segment where the aficionados get an opportunity to express their thoughts. I simply love every detail presented because each has its own character. There was one furnishing that caught my attention the Teak Patio Furniture, so simple yet very refined. It is so perfect for a garden that has an overlooking view. How I wish that someday, my own house will be their next featured residence.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Unexpected Call

I received a phone call from my sister-in-law just this afternoon informing me of a package. She sent it through her mother who just came from Singapore. I'm so thankful because I don't need to invest a fortune for skin maintenance. She gave me a set of Neutrogena beauty products and a nice piece of cotton dress. I just love it very much! I miss these stuffs because these were part of my daily regimen in Singapore. Unfortunately, I need to get it from his father somewhere in Lapu-Lapu City, which is several towns away from ours. He is working as a Mechanical Engineer in one of the industrial firms there. Unluckily, today was not my day because I had to wait for at least an hour before he can get out since he needs to finish repairing the spindle bearings of their machines. His Japanese boss has directed him to keep it operational first thing in the morning. So I was left with no choice but to wait or else I can't get my most awaited presents.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Back

I was in the mall yesterday and the huge crowd surprised me. Despite the crisis, everybody is busy shopping for Christmas decors. You can really smell the crisp air of the season. The Jingle bells song, which is often heard everywhere makes everybody sing along. I feel relieved to be back in the Philippines. I can't imagine myself spending holidays in a foreign land alone. Nothing compares to the way we celebrate special occasions with the family. Although I wasn't able to make it in Singapore, I believe that God has other plans for me. He wants me to be reunited with my loved ones especially with my one and only daughter. I miss her so much that all I want is to make her happy. My presence alone already makes her ecstatic. You can really see in her eyes the joy only a mother can provide. Now that we're back in each other's arms again, I'll try my very best to make the most out of it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Knowledge for Free

While I was in Singapore, one of my daily routines was to go to the public library every afternoon together with my niece. I was so amazed since the place is so organized, neat, and huge. It is open to everybody, be it young or elderly. The book selection is ample, which ranges from story books, to home improvement, to fiction. Aside from bookshelves, one can also find an Internet cafe within the library where you do research works in addition to reading hard bound copies. I was just sitting in one corner while waiting for her to finish. But since the room is very cold, I can't help but feel sleepy. Thus, I tried to entertain myself by scanning through any book I get hold of. As I turn the leaf, a small piece of business card fell and it says Bloomfield Divorce Attorney. Somebody must have left it there; thus, I just inserted it back to one of the pages. Just in time, my niece called my attention as she wants to go to a fast-food to eat fries and sundae.

Name Game

I was in hurry this morning because I need to rush to the hospital. A friend of mine just gave birth to a lovely baby girl. She was so thankful that the delivery was safe and fast despite the fact that she has no husband to count on. She is a single mom who has no better half to supervise the growing years of her child. Good thing she has a supportive family and a bunch of friends whom she can rely through thick and thin. But before getting worried about the child's future, her immediate concern is the christening of her cute angel. She considers this baby as the love of her life and wants to give her only the best even by her own. Even when naming her child, she likes to have something unique to set her apart from any ordinary child. As of this moment, we can't think of a particular name, so we agreed to search through the net. However, we decided to settle on the very first name that we can find and it turned out to be Babesia. We never even bothered checking the meaning of it. All we know is that it sounds cute and interesting.

Negotiating Mode

I was lying on bed while watching TV show aired at my favorite station when suddenly my husband changed the channel. He just loves to watch news updates; thus, I missed some scenes. I am not really fond of listening to news reports because I easily get affected every time I hear bad news involving calamities and accidents. The latest was the tsunami in Indonesia where hundreds of people were killed. Furthermore, breaking news about election-related violence where also reported, which resulted to murdered supporters. So depressing indeed! Thus to divert my attention, I kept myself busy by reading at the crawler ads found at the bottom of the monitor. I saw lots of vacancies and one of which was for the position of internet marketing consultant. Since I am not that interested, I negotiated with my hubby to switch the channel back and I'll give him a back massage in return. I was completely at a loss of the story; thus, I end up browsing through the net for story episodes.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Biggest Job Fair Launched

I was sitting on the bench one early morning when I saw my neighbors rushing as if somebody was after them. I just learned that they wanted to join the biggest job fair held simultaneously all throughout the country. How sad it is to know that lots of fresh graduates are still trying out their luck. Most of them are looking forward to work in a prestigious company after graduation. Who wouldn't like that? For my part, I've always wanted to be associated with an establishment that can provide security. At this point in time, it's very hard to look for a job. But life is not only about luck after all, it's about how you live it and make it worth living. You need to find a career where your skills and expertise fit in. Although my course is medically-related, but based on experience I am more exposed to project management services. Working in a team does not only give you the opportunity to enrich one's ability, it definitely helps you become a better person through constant interaction. It's good to learn at the same time earn because this is one way of motivating a person to become more effective. I just wish unemployment will finally be resolved. Anyways, that is not for me to worry. I rather watch my favorite TV series than carry the burden on my shoulders.

Mall Strolling

Sometimes boredom just sets in without a warning; thus, I give myself time to unwind in the mall. I find it convenient since the location is just walking distance from our house.  One place I frequently visit is the appliance section since I'm the kind of person who loves to do constant renovation. I appreciate small collectibles such as figurines, ornamentals and ceramics because they simply satisfy my fancy. While I was so engrossed due to an assortment of selection, I did not notice the presence of bunk beds on display. I bumped my left foot on one of the furnishings; thus, I end up with a swollen toe. I wanted to shout out loud because of pain; good thing I was able to hold the discomfort otherwise I would be the center of people's attraction. The lesson learned is that; do not get carried away with attractive bits and pieces because they will only make you less focused.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Exact Opposite

In the Philippines, people are very busy again since they are about to exercise their rights to vote for their local officials. You can see several policemen roaming around within the locality. They are tasked to maintain peace and order because it is a common occurrence to witness chaos during elections. However while I was pondering on the situation, I suddenly remembered something during my stay in Singapore. I noticed was that most of the law enforcement officers are full-grown, stout adults. Unlike in Singapore, theirs are young and lean adolescent cops. This is because all of their male citizens are mandated by law to enroll in military schools in preparation for battles. They are trained to serve and defend their country against sudden upheaval. Such mind baffling thought simply made me smile. Anyways, we have different laws to be followed. I just wish that harmony will reign and honest results will prevail.

Summer Time, Fun Time

Although summer time feels like fiery hell, for me it is still my best time of the year.  I get the chance to flaunt my body with only spaghetti strap blouse, bikini and shortest shorts on. Sunbathing is just a perfect way of getting that tan you've always wanted. It also makes me crave for cold treats like ice cream and fruit shakes.  What I like most about it is when I can spend quality time with my family and friends.  We hang out a lot either in the beach or somewhere else where we could just sit, enjoy and have lots of fun. Taking lots of pictures even in the presence of big waves is another thing I enjoy most. Good thing our camera has a waterproof case; thus, we do not worry even a bit if it gets wet. I just can't wait until the next summertime comes! The beautiful sceneries are simply breathtaking.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chill Out to Release Tension

Having been sick for about a week made me really feel drained and wearied; thus, my hubby and I decided to go to the mall to unwind. We ate our favorite chicken dish at Jonie's Chicken somewhere in the South reclamation area. It was a sumptuous meal and I love it so much. However due to its delectableness, I can't avoid but feel overstuffed. Thus, I realized there is a need for me to stroll a bit to get rid of indigestion. After being away from the country for almost 3 months, I noticed lots of changes inside the shopping centre. Several stalls emerged and one of which caught my attention. So endearing are the personalized baby gifts displayed on the shelves. The choices range from the simplest embroidered booties to the coolest baby layette. I can't help but imagine how fortunate it would be to be blessed with another baby in the future.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Have a Break

Lately, I was so busy due to previous commitments I can't refuse. I slept very late at night, which resulted to over exhaustion. My immune system has generally weakened, which is evident through cough and colds, fever, and body malaise. I realized, I was pushing myself too hard without thinking that my body is not a machine. It also needs to rest, so that it can fully recover. Thus, my husband and I have decided to visit a spa and give ourselves a treat. By the time reached there, we were asked to choose a lubricant of our choice. But since we are not very familiar with them, we gave them the privilege to choose for us. The therapist recommended Jojoba, Rosemary, Lavender, and Argan oil because of its known benefits particularly on the skin. However, I find it very nice of them to inform their clients with all honesty about its drawback. One in particular is the Argan oil skin irritation, which is expected if your skin is acne prone. After getting some advice, I asked them to evaluate our skin first prior to application. On my part, I was just being careful since I am born with hypersensitive skin, which is prone to allergies. Nevertheless, we did enjoy the indulgence and we are planning to come back one of these days.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vacation Spree

Taking a holiday trip would be a lot perfect in the presence of fresh ambiance, white sands, and blue skies. All in one setting, in a beautiful place called paradise simply makes me feel content. I want to escape from my daily routines both at home and work. I want to picture myself spending some time with nature. I want to free my mind from stress and look for a new place to relax. But such desire will remain a dream until I have enough savings to finance my escapade. However due to strong aspiration, I can’t help but look for fascinating places through the Internet. This way I am able to appease my longing at an instant. While browsing, I noticed that Carriacou, an island within the Caribbean Sea is highly recommended. It has the best diving spot in the area, offers mouthwatering food, and provides the warmest accommodation to its clients. Gosh, I can’t wait to visit the place and experience the finest amenities available!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Banking on Clairvoyance

It has been a practice of mine to go to church and say the novena every Friday. During these times, streets are very busy since many devotees of the Child Jesus are rushing in and out of sacred place. Thus, people are left with no choice but to walk, instead of riding a public transport up to the point of our destination. Traffic jam slows down the movement of all vehicles; therefore, walking is the only solution to the unending rush-hour problem. To somehow ease the leg discomfort brought about by long-distance walking, I simply provide myself with visual pleasure by observing people whom I meet. We just don't run out of idea when it comes to beating financial crisis. Lots of so called fortune tellers are dispersed all over the streets; seemed occupied with predictions. But why can't they predict epidemics by reading their tarot cards? At present, symptoms of various diseases with names we've never heard are emerging. Just like symptoms of Babesia, which I assume is an alien word to many lay men. Anyways, whatever psychic powers they possess, I personally do not want to try it.

Anticipation is an Effective Defense Weapon

As Christmas season is almost approaching, heavy downpours are most likely to occur. Although the benefits we get are unquestionable, some disadvantages are obvious as well, which include flood and insect-related diseases. 

Whether newspaper, television or radio; we often hear victims inflicted with various diseases as a result of heavy rainfall. While some are controllable, other cases are fatal, which may lead to epidemic situation. Such prevalence may cause recurrence and the worst scenario is mutation of more serious form of strain that can sometimes be unmanageable. New set of signs and symptoms develop, which are often rare and difficult to detect. Just like the symptoms of Lyme Disease, which can be serious when left unnoticed over a period of time.

Therefore, being cautious at all times is the most effective way of preventing an illness. Do not wait for something to happen before any further step is taken. Put emphasis on cleanliness since getting rid of potential carriers is the simplest safety measure one can ever contribute.

New Generation Babies

Babies with super cute outfit and getups are undeniably endearing . Who would think that at their innocent age, they too can become real models? Some can pose in front of the camera like a pro, while others just turn out to be very playful. For this reason, many amateur studios make use of babies as their models for they strongly believe that this move attracts potential clients. With a little creativity, photo shoots already incorporate themes into their workshops to incite a tinge of liveliness. In fact, sporting a miniature clothing and using tiny, yet realistic props are the popular eye teasers of most photographers. Some of the most applauded costumes are the rock baby clothes and ballerina suits because these simply make little angels even more adorable. While this fascination can be at times lavish; the experience is worth the investment. But before spending much on some posh studios, why not try doing this at home first and observe how the little ones carry out. Experiment on the apparels you want your baby to put on and take the best shot one at a time. 

I Want to be Somebody

Have you ever asked yourself of what you want to be when you grow up?  When I was small, I've always wanted to become a teacher, just like my favorite instructor during my nursery days.  But as the years passed, everything has changed because taking care of the sick has become my passion.  I wonder why we always think of becoming somebody whom people will look up to and admire.  They say that if you really want to be a big cheese, you have to work hard for it.  True indeed!  You should give your best in everything you do in order to reach your dreams.  You will get nothing by simply sitting and waiting for a miracle to happen.  Give your best shot especially when in college.  Although not necessary, but still a good university is worth an investment when you apply for a job in the future.  Choosing the right school will not just mold you as a person; in fact this will be your ticket to the real world.  Therefore, never fail to check out various college reviews online since these somehow play an important role in achieving your dreams.

If you're still unsure of what you want to be in the future, I suggest you contemplate on your strengths, abilities and skills where you are really good at.  This will help you discern what your goals and objectives in life are.

Experience Worth Reminiscing

Staying in Singapore for a couple of months has given me the opportunity to see the world in a totally different point of view. I miss the ambiance, way of living, affordable food, and most of all beautiful sceneries. One place I like most is the Sembawang Park since it is very near the place where I stayed, which is in Yishun. As part of my routine, I usually drop by at Starbucks in one of the MRT stations before heading back home. While waiting for my order, I read a newspaper especially the classified ads section. By simply looking around, the high-tech gadgets already make me feel satiated. I get amazed when I see people stare at their laptops while drinking their favorite beverages. With all curiosity,  I can’t help but notice the different sites people are browsing. From there, I saw a girl surfing through the net about jacksonville seo expert, while one was busy looking for airline promo offer. I love the experience of meeting people from all walks of life hanging around in one place, but with different objectives and goals. I consider Singapore as a dream place because of their systematic way of managing the country. I will surely go back and visit the place during one of these days.